Marshall Beach Trail
2.4 miles
After the hike, we stopped for bbq oysters & clam chowder at Marshall Store in Marshall, CA. Fantastic!
Here's a the list of current stocks I am holding: DNN (Denison Mines Corp), CPE (Callon Petroleum Co.), WRES (Warren Resources Inc), SIRI (SIRIUS), CSE (CapitalSource Inc.), TGB (Taseko Mines)
I hope I can officially double my money by the end of the month! Watch out Warren!
Just started week 3 of the couch to 5k training...sort of! The corner of the coffee table accidentally hit my knee and put me out of comission on my first day of training. This weeks goal was suppose to be: Brisk five-minute warm up walk, then do two repetitions of the following: Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds) - Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds) -Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes) - Walk 400 yards (or three minutes).
I did give it the old college try, but the pounding on my knee wouldn't allow me to continue. So I opted for the steam room & sauna. Oh well, maybe tomorrow!
I believe that your choices create your life and new experiences make it so much more worth living! This blog was created to record and share the progress of a 1000+ item bucket list (a list of things to do before you die). This list has made me motivated to experience many of the otherwise overlooked pleasures in life. I hope it helps do the same for you.