Saturday, May 9, 2009

#106 Completed! Smoke a Fine Cigar

"Yes, I inhaled...but maybe I shouldn't have!"

Let me start by saying, I have no idea what the characteristics of a fine cigar are. But, I assumed, the more expensive the better. After staring at the a daunting selection of smokables in a little Mexican shop, we opted for a box of Cohibas. I wondered why they didn't have something like peach flavored? I'm not really sure how much they cost because it was Pesos and I didn't pay. I wondered if they even sold fine cigars in Mexico? I was grateful as I bit off the end my cigar, that we did not have one of those scarey cigar cutters (horrible visions of the mafia chopping fingers off). I inhaled once and had mixed feelings about the taste; good or bad...hmmm? The second puff was deeper, longer and started me on a perpetual coughing display. I wondered why this was on my bucket list at all? That was enough for me, goal completed.

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